Virtual Keswick


(Watch recordings from the Keswick Convention)

Monday 23rd – Friday 27th JULY 2018

You may never have been to Keswick in the Lake District but every year the Keswick Bible Convention takes place during three weeks in July and August.

As not everyone has the opportunity to attend, we are holding (as we did last year) a ‘Virtual Keswick’ in Top Chapel. The speaker will be recorded each day and in the evenings we will host whoever wishes to attend (tea and coffee available) and watch the videos. If you haven’t been before you’ll be warmly welcomed. In fact, you’ll be warmly welcomed even if you have been before!

This year, the Speaker we’ll be listening to is Chris Wright, the International Ministries Director of Langham Partnership (All Souls, London).

A collection will be taken each night for the work of Keswick Ministries.

The general theme of the Convention this year is ‘SENT’  (Serving God’s Mission).

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